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Food Drive Thanksgiving 2021

October 1, 2021 – November 11, 2021

Every year, our membership graciously supports the Branford Food Pantry through food drives. Last year, our members donated 33 turkeys and 270 pounds of food for our neighbors without jobs, the elderly living on Social Security, single parents, people with disabilities, and the working poor. By your donating food, it enables those less fortunate to pay their rent or heating bill, or simply have a nutritious meal.

Please join our Thanksgiving collection by donating non-perishable items such as:

Canned Yams Stuffing Mix Boxed Potatoes

Canned Gravy Canned Corn Canned Peas

Jarred Onions Frozen Turkeys Canned Green Beans

Coffee Boxed Soup Cranberry Sauce


There is a box inside the downstairs entry way. Please have all donations there by Thursday, November 11, 2021 for the Thanksgiving Drive.

If you have a frozen turkey, please make sure you contact Terri Vailette at 203-444-4234 to arrange for drop off.

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